Thursday, June 12, 2008

Ever though of filling up your car tank with water?

I though it was crazy! Imagine filling up my car tank with water.... They must be out of their mind!

Everywhere I go, people are talking about the water car, running your car with water, etc... It has been going for the whole weeks. Now what is going on.... has the oil price increased too much that it's driving everyone nuts? It's time for some investigations.

After a quick goggle search, I found out that they are actually folks out there who actually are converting their cars to run on water. Like this one which should how price of oil have increased since 5 years ago. I've also found a really good review site which summaries the 3 conversion method in ebooks format in a comparison table.

hm... sounds really interesting. I've just purchased on of the better ebooks from the review site. After reading the book, I think it's really easy to start converting my toyota into a "water car". Off to the convenient store to get my supplies~! ;)

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